Sunday 6 November 2011

Day 2: Web 2.0 Technologies in the workplace: Blogs, Wikis & Mobile Technologies - 5 Nov 2011

The energy levels are still high even though we went to bed late on the first night. Amazing!

Antoinette Lourens (Information Specialist, UPLS) gave us a brief overview on blogs and wikis and we were task to create our own, which is now part of our assignments. As I've said previously: I honestly thought that blogging is a nice way to waist precious time, but to my amazement I enjoy writing on my blog! I have learned the different ways in which we can use blogs and can admit that this will become part of my daily routine, even in the workplace! Wikis was already part of my daily tasks at work as this is the way we keep various committees informed on progress of meetings, etc.

Christelle Steyn & Janice de Wee delighted us with the different types of applications on mobile phones. There was information on mobile catalogues, mobile databases, mobile search engines, mobile social tools, etc. My question is: What is next? Probably mobile librarians...(laughing) A foreign tool to me was "quick response" (QR) codes. This is something I want to investigate to understand how it can be used.

In the absence of Prof Theo Bothma (Head: Dept. of Information Science, UP), Ujala Satgoor (Deputy Director: Marketing, Training & Development, UPLS) was tasked to give us an introduction to our Individual Assignments. One could feel the anxiety and sense the silence in the group. Nonetheless, we tried to stay motivated. I thought for one moment: Why am I doing this to myself! I must be insane, but to that there are some sanity in what I am doing...

During supper the team was quiet...each one with our own thoughts. Another day is almost something of the past, but we still had one more session to go. The food was great as usual, but too much.

As I enter the conference room I thought: what will keep me awake for our last round of information tonight? To my amazement, Ujala kept us talking for 2 hours without us even realising time, and we could go on.

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